Welcome to Truck Puzzles!

Dive into a world of fiendish puzzles, thrilling treasure hunts, and mind-bending conundrums. Truck Puzzles has something for everyone, whether you're solving mysteries from your armchair or exploring the real world to uncover hidden treasures.

Join the Adventure!

Future puzzles may involve recieving small, Truck-approved items in the good old US Snail Mail. Sign up for the list now so you don't miss out!

Tally ho, Watson! The game is afoot!

“These videos are a series of fiendishly cunning conundrums and treasure hunts created by Moriarty — not Sherlock Holmes' archenemy Professor Moriarty, but a Cottage Grove insurance agent named Pat Moriarty. [He] designed the puzzles so that they relate to each other to tell a story. He's also alternating between puzzles that can be solved from your armchair and ones that require going out to find an object hidden in the real world.”

-Richard Chin, Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 12, 2020
Read the full article on the Star Tribune website

Puzzle #11 In Development for 2025 Release

Actually, it's been in development for three years now, and it's a doozy that will test your patience, your gas tank, and your ability to work well with others. It will be a Minnesota Treasure Hunt. I spent 2024 traveling to many parts of our beautiful state of Minnesota, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds. Really hoping for a July 2025 release.

The story will be a continuation of the storyline from Puzzle #10 The Svensson Farm from the 1950s.

The original plan was to have the finished Treasure Hunt done and ready to go in the summer of 2024, but the story and preparations are just so vast that there was no way it was going to be completed on time.

Early 2025 has been spent revamping this here website, writing live action scripts for my actors, and putting together other puzzle elements for real-world interactions. I cannot wait to share it with you all.