Some of the locations in Puzzle #11 may have a mini-treasure associated with them. It's usually a small chest, box or container that can fit in the palm of your hand. It could be in the very park or location you found the tile in, or it could be across town. You have to find clues that will lead you to it!
You'll see Mini-Treasure tags on the web pages for particular locations. Here's what they mean:
This means there's a mini-treasure out there still waiting to be found!
The mini-treasure has been located. The tag will link to a description of the location and item(s) found in the treasure cache.
This means there is no mini-treasure to look for at this location.
Use your brain when you’re out there and stay out of other people’s yards and off of business property. If anything’s been hidden there, it’s not related to a Truck Puzzle.
Seek, don’t destroy: When you’re out looking, please take care to leave things the way you found them, and if you happen to see garbage when you're out and about, do the right thing and pick that up too!